Looking to start a volleyball team at your school? 

If so, we would love to have your school in the lineup! Find your region on the map and reach out to the IBVCA Representative for more information on next steps.

IBVCA Region Representatives

1 East Region Representative - Dawn Potter - Dawn.Potter@nacs.k12.in.us 
1 West Region Representative - Christine Dixon - elcskdixon@yahoo.com

2 East Region Representatives - Andrew Fullerandrew@theacademyvolleyball.com

2 West Region Representative - Kristie Hostetler - klhostetler@tsc.k12.in.us

3 East Region Representative - Wes Briscoe - wbriscoe@gccschools.com
3 West Region Representative - Andrea Pawlik - andreaepawlik@gmail.com

IBVCA Board Members

President - Kristen Webster - ibvcapres@gmail.com

Vice President - Sarah Records - recordss@franklinschools.org

Past President - Ben Sabin - ben_2208@yahoo.com

Historian - Rhonda Low - rhondalow@gmail.com

North Region

Central Region

South Region

IBVCA Board Members

President - Kristen Webster - ibvcapres@gmail.com

Vice President - Sarah Records - recordss@franklinschools.org

Past President - Ben Sabin - ben_2208@yahoo.com

Historian - Rhonda Low - rhondalow@gmail.com

North Region

Central Region

South Region